In a Computer Science class being taught at my high school, I came across the concept of sorting. Sorting plays a crucial role in several applications and I realized in that class that there are different ways in which a typical sorting operation could be implemented. Having a variety of implementation could be useful when dealing with tasks that have limited memory capacity and need optimal execution speed. However, one thing that my peers and I struggled alot with was visualizing the algorithm written on the blackboard. That's when I had the idea for implementing a soritng visualizer and picked a simple Bubble Sort Algorithm to try my implementation out!
Proposed SolutionFor developing a good sorting visualizer, I started looking for good Python libraries for visualization. The modules I found that would be useful for the project were:
- Matplotlib: An excellent library for visualizing Python arrays. To install the module, we could use the following command in the terminal:
pip install matplotlib
- PyQt5: Another great Python library for developing interactive desktop applications. To install the module, we could use the following command in the terminal:
pip install PyQt5==5.9.2
Next step involved creating a
file and writing the code for bubblesort algorithm. Next step involved using the above libraries to visualize the algorithm.
The code for my implementation is shown as follows:
# imports
import random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, animation
# helper methods
def swap(A, i, j):
A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]
# algorithms
def bubblesort(A):
swapped = True
for i in range(len(A) - 1):
if not swapped:
swapped = False
for j in range(len(A) - 1 - i):
if A[j] > A[j + 1]:
swap(A, j, j + 1)
swapped = True
yield A
def visualize():
N = 30
A = list(range(1, N + 1))
# creates a generator object containing all
# the states of the array while performing
# sorting algorithm
generator = bubblesort(A)
# creates a figure and subsequent subplots
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title("Bubble Sort O(n\N{SUPERSCRIPT TWO})")
bar_sub =, A, align="edge")
# sets the maximum limit for the x-axis
ax.set_xlim(0, N)
text = ax.text(0.02, 0.95, "", transform=ax.transAxes)
iteration = [0]
# helper function to update each frame in plot
def update(A, rects, iteration):
for rect, val in zip(rects, A):
iteration[0] += 1
text.set_text(f"# of operations: {iteration[0]}")
# creating animation object for rendering the iteration
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(
fargs=(bar_sub, iteration),
# for showing the animation on screen
if __name__ == "__main__":
Impact of the solution
After obtaining a working model of the visualizer, I showcased the project to several high school students during Symposiums for evoking their interest in Computer Science. This implementation is currently being used by Girls Coding club for teaching Computer Science concepts to high school girls.
About the author
Akshara is a junior at Columbia University. You can find more about her here.